The Stargazer Stone was the touchstone for Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon when
they surveyed the boundary line that makes up the border between Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.

Newlin Historical Society Mission
The mission of the Newlin Historical Society is to research, collect, and preserve the history of Newlin Township for present and future generations, to provide educational and outreach opportunities, and to work cooperatively with local government and other historical research groups.

“If there be favored spots on earth where the Great Dead are wont to hold reunion surely the Stargazers’ Stone marks one of them. Here perhaps may gather at times the shades of Isaac Newton, Christian Huyghens, Richer, Picard, the three Cassinis, the academicians of Lapland and those of Peru, the mathematicians whose theory gave meaning to the work, the Fathers Boscovich and La Maire, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, Nevil Maskelyne, John Bird and a host of others. Here they renew old campaigns and review great issues fought out on the battlefields of science. And perhaps they rejoice together that man still strives even as they strove, with transit and pendulum, in heat and frost, through swamp and forest, over mountain ranges and at peril of the seas better to know and to comprehend the earth on which he lives.”
~ Dr. Thomas D. Cope

“Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder.”
― John F. Kennedy

Executive Committee Members
President: RoseLynn Malarek
Vice-President: Kathy Conway
Treasurer: Sandy Reber
Members: Tolly (Kate) Roby
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